Welcome To NCC

Dear Saints and Visitors,

With open arms and hearts filled with joy, we extend our warmest welcome to you all to the National Convention Committee of the First Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This gathering marks a significant milestone in our faith journey—a time to unite, rejoice, learn, and strengthen our devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ.

As members of the First Church, we are honored to host this convention committee and welcome saints and visitors from around the world. Your presence enriches our community and strengthens our shared commitment to embodying the teachings of Jesus Christ.

This committee is more than just a meeting; it is a testament to the unity and fellowship that transcends borders and embraces diversity. It is an opportunity for us to come together as one body, united in our love for our Savior.

Throughout the committee meetings, we will be blessed with inspiring discussions, insightful planning sessions, and uplifting moments of camaraderie. We encourage you to engage fully in each aspect of the agenda, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our deliberations and deepen our collective understanding of God’s will.

We acknowledge that each person brings valuable insights and perspectives to our committee. Therefore, we invite you to actively participate and contribute your talents and experiences as we work together to advance the mission of our church.

Above all, may this committee be a time of spiritual rejuvenation, encouragement, and empowerment for each participant. May you leave our meetings inspired, equipped, and ready to serve our Lord with a renewed mind and dedication.

Once again, welcome to the National Convention Committee of First Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. May God bless our time together abundantly, and may His grace continue to guide us as we serve Him faithfully.

National Convention Committee.